June 25th, 2024

  • Speaker:

    Conchita Martínez Pérez (University of Zaragoza)

  • Title:
    From RAAGs to Artin groups

    Artin groups are a fascinating and rather mysterious class of groups. They include right angled Artin groups, a family well studied in geometric group theory, however many basic questions about arbitrary Artin groups remain open. In this talk we will review some recent results on (some) Artin groups that generalize well known properties of RAAGs.


    09:30-11:00 RTG lecture 1 (Alexander Thomas), SR. 2.058
    11:00-11:30 Get-Together with Speaker, SR. 2.058
    11:45-12:45 Colloquium: Conchita Martínez Pérez, SR. 1.067
    13:15 Lunch at Max Rubner Institute | Daily Menu
    14:30 Coffee in math building, SR. 1.058
    14:45-15:15 Informal meeting of PhD students, Room 1.062
    15:15-16:45 RTG lecture 2 (Alexander Thomas), SR. 1.067

  • Place:
