January 30th, 2024

  • Speaker:

    Peter Topping (University of Warwick)

  • Title
    PDE aspects of geometric flows

    A geometric flow is a way of evolving a geometric object, e.g. a smooth closed curve in the plane, in order to improve it in some sense, e.g. to regularise it and make it rounder. Led by Ricci flow, this field has proved to be extremely successful in solving hard problems in other areas, and a typical colloquium might survey some of these applications. In this talk I would like to focus instead on some of the nonlinear PDE phenomena that occur along the way. I plan to illustrate them by focussing on the most visual and non-technical examples. I will be aiming the talk at non-specialists.

    09:30-11:00 RTG lecture 1 (Marc Kegel), SR. 2.058
    11:00-11:30 Get-Together with Speaker, SR. 2.058
    11:45-12:45 Colloquium: Peter Topping, SR. 1.067
    13:15 Lunch at Max Rubner Institute | Daily Menu
    14:30 Coffee in math building, SR. 1.058
    14:45-15:15 Informal meeting of PhD students, Room 1.062
    15:15-16:45 RTG lecture 2 (Thorben Kastenholz), SR. 1.067

  • Place:
